One step. Unique career.

Specialists & Executives
Are you looking to deepen and consolidate your professional experience and further qualifications?

Retail Stores
Do you love our shoes and want to demonstrate your talent for sales in our stores?

Apprenticeship & Dual Study Programme
Would you like to complete a practice-oriented training or study programme with Wortmann?

Have you had enough of the theory? Are you keen to put the skills you have learned into practice?
Our employees.
Our recipe for success.
Our employees are an important key to our business success. For over 50 years, we have shared a passion for youthful, fashionable shoes. Our staff really understand how to use their heads, hearts and plenty of personal commitment to achieve the company's goals.
Our maxim is: Always do that little bit more than the competition, try things out, avoid well-trodden paths and finally – despite all the successes – keep your feet firmly on the ground. Our success story is proof that this concept is bearing fruit.