Wortmann. News.
Wortmann introduces e-recruiting software
Our rapid growth in recent years was the main driver behind the decision to introduce a professional application management system which has helped us to manage the complete recruitment process in a uniform and standardised way from advertising the vacancy through to deciding who to appoint.
Completion of the training
It is the end of two challenging and exciting years. On 20.06.2014, our industrial business management trainees had one thing to say: We did it!
Congratulations to the following on passing their exam: Robin Engelns, Leonie Hans, Daniel Kurpiers, Alexandra Lohr and Philipp Tolle. We wish you every success and all the best in your future career . We wish our students Mrs Deppenmeier, Mrs Ostwald, Mrs Schafers, Mrs Schlepper and Mr Tormin every success with their further studies.
Visit to the Heller tannery in Hehlen
On 25.03.2014, the year one and two trainees had a tour of the Heller tannery in Hehlen. Following a short company presentation, the tour moved on to the in-house purification plant. Further key aspects of the tour included quality control and production, which provided exciting insights into how the leather is made. There was a step-by-step explanation of the production process from supply of the products and processing of the fur and hides through to the end product - leather.