What is your job title and what activities are behind it?

My job title is Brand Manager for MARCO TOZZI. In this role, I share responsibility for establishing the MARCO TOZZI brand and driving its retail business.

What brought you to Wortmann?

Even before I left school, I knew I wanted to study in a dual degree programme, so that I could combine theory and practice and gain some early professional experience. Working for a company whose product I could identify with was also important to me. I was crazy about shoes at the time, and quickly heard about the Wortmann Group in Detmold. With five shoe brands, it seemed like the perfect employer for me. My wish to work here came true in August 2012.

What makes your work special?

There are so many things that make my work special, if not unique, to me. I really enjoy being part of a big team that succeeds in tackling new challenges every day. There is always a very pleasant atmosphere that helps to make sure that work is always enjoyable, even in stressful situations.

My wide-ranging field of activities and the opportunities I am given to "just get on with it" give me a wealth of new experience and contact with a huge variety of people. That all helps me to develop further all the time.

What is Wortmann like as an employer?

At Wortmann, it feels like I am part of a big family, in which everyone helps everyone else with their tasks and flat hierarchies make the working environment very pleasant. Wortmann is also an employer that supports its younger staff in particular.

As soon as they finish their apprenticeship or degree, it enables young professionals to take on a job with responsibility, contribute their own ideas and thus play a small part in the company's success.

If you had to describe Wortmann in three words, what would they be?

Target-orientated, dynamic, familial

Tell us about a unique Wortmann experience you have had.

I have had so many great and defining experiences in my career at Wortmann to date that I would find it hard to pick just one unique experience. But I can say that the sales campaigns I run in our shops are always a highlight for me.

As part of our shop-in-shop partner support, I often visit our MARCO TOZZI stores to support sales. Our MARCO TOZZI wheel of fortune has become an integral part of these campaigns. I always bring it with me and it always puts a smile on customers' faces.

During these campaigns, I always enjoy seeing how we can make customers happy. But manning the wheel of fortune is not my only job during these sales campaigns – I also work with the other sales staff to make sure we achieve excellent turnover. In doing so, I always notice how easy it is to get talking to customers and how much fun it is to sell shoes using good arguments and useful styling tips.